Dec 14 - Jan 15

HAK 14

HAK'14 was involved in the funding of a construction project via fundraising activities as well as some manual work during the stay.

We cooked our local Singapore dishes during our Cooking Carnival day for the whole village! HAK'14 was also involved in farming activities to engage and experience in the way of life of Laotians. On top of that, we also incorporated simple Science experiments into our teaching curriculum!

This year HAK'14 rendered our service to Hin Heub Primary once again! We faciliated learning for the students' English language by crafting and planning fun and interactive lesson plans in Laotian language.
We introduced a Health Education Programme which seeks to educate the local students on basic hygiene habits with the hope that it will be sustainable in the the long run! We would want the local children to inculcate good hygiene practices such as the correct brushing or the flossing of teeth and proper waste disposal. We also taught basic Microsoft Office skills to the secondary school kids.

Nicholas Lee (Leader)
Vivi Tan
Woon Siew Yan (Co-leader)